Paul G

Paul is a member of our Board and is responsible for the Society's risk and compliance management (which includes the financial risks of climate change), operations, HR, anti-money laundering and IT.

Paul G's credentials

Job role: Chief Operating Officer 

What does your job entail? I am responsible for operations including the member services team, IT, HR, risk, compliance, data and information security, anti-money laundering reporting office and after all that I am also the deputy CEO. I hold three regulatory Senior Manager Functions and I sit on the Board of Directors

When did you start at Sheffield Mutual? 2018

What previous experience do you have? I held various managerial positions in products, risk, governance and compliance at Yorkshire Building Society, as well as product governance and operational roles at Aviva. In my spare time I am the Chair of Trustees for RSPCA Sheffield and the Vice-chair for the RSPCA Regional Board: Yorkshire and the Northeast

What are your favourite things about your job? I enjoy every aspect of my job, my particular favourite aspects are problem solving, decision making and being part of a mutual organisation

What do you like doing when you aren't working? I am an avid listener of music and watcher of films and comedy. When the weather is nice, I like to go over to the Lake District or Peak District and get lost in the mountains. If I’m not doing any of that, then I’m down at the Sheffield RSPCA Animal Centre with my volunteer or trustee / director hat on

What three things would you take to a desert island? My cats, Lord of the Rings books and a box of chamomile tea

What would your last ever meal be? Aldi protein pot, chocolate grenade protein shake, vegetable curry and a chamomile tea. Maybe a cream scone to finish

If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon

Where is your dream location to visit? Japan

What are your top three films of all time? Lord of the Rings (all 3 count as 1 right?), American Psycho and, my ultimate favourite, Back to the Future

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