Lauren is responsible for dealing with existing member enquiries and processing new business administration as part of the Member Services Team.
Lauren's credentials
Job Title: Member Services Administrator
What does your job role entail? Dealing with all aspects of new business within the Member Services Team and anything else I can help with!
When did you start at Sheffield Mutual? March 2023
What previous experience do you have? I previously worked within the mortgages industry for an adviser specialising in ex-pat lending and buy to let properties. I have also gained my CeMap qualification during my previous role. I have worked in administration for other companies before this.
What are your favourite things about your job? I enjoy the problem-solving aspect and helping others. I also like learning more about our products so that I can pass that knowledge onto our members.
What do you like doing when you aren’t working? I love spending time with my family. My children like to go litter picking and look after the environment, so we try and do that at least once a month together in between days out. I also foster cats for Buttons Cat Rescue.
What 3 things would you take to a desert island? A boat, someone who could navigate the boat and chocolate!!
What would be your last ever meal? Cheesy nachos, chicken enchiladas, warm chocolate brownie or profiteroles and a cup of tea with dessert!
If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be? Plus – Ed Sheeran
Where is your dream location to visit? Hawaii
What are your top 3 films of all time? A Bridge to Terabithia, The Greatest Showman & Miracle on 34th Street