
Jamie is the Society's Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board. He is responsible for the management of the Society's business conduct, overseeing regulatory compliance and managing financial assets.

Jamie's credentials

Job role: Chief Executive Officer

What does your job entail? I am responsible for the management of the Society's business conduct and managing financial assets

When did you start at Sheffield Mutual? 2014 

What previous experience do you have? Qualified Accountant working in practice, assisting small to medium businesses and risk management

What are your favourite things about your job? The variety of my role in a smaller organisation, no two days are the same

What do you like doing when you aren't working? Building Lego with my two children or going for a long run

What three things would you take to a desert island? Solar radio, shuffleboard, bit of a cheat to class as one 'thing' but my family

What would your last ever meal be? A vast array of Tapas and good ales

If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be? Snow Patrol - Final Straw

Where is your dream location to visit? Home

What are your top three films of all time? Lord of the Rings / It's a Wonderful Life / Harry Potter

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