6 January 2020

  • Useful

Dates for your diary 2020

We know how busy life can be, that’s why here at Sheffield Mutual Friendly Society we want to keep our members as informed as possible.

Our office will be closed on the following days in 2020, make sure to pencil them in your diary!

1st January

New Year’s Day

10th April

Good Friday

13th April

Easter Monday

8th May

May Day Bank Holiday

25th May

Spring Bank Holiday

31st August

Summer Bank Holiday

*18th December

Early Office Close from 1pm

**24th December

Christmas Eve from 1pm

25th December

Christmas Day

26th December

Boxing Day

28th December

Boxing Day (substitute Bank Holiday)

31st December

New Year's Eve


*The office will close for the afternoon at 1pm on Friday 18th December 2020.

**The Society will close for Christmas at 1pm on Thursday 24th December. 

Other important dates and occasions for 2020:

25th January

Robert Burns Night

25th January

Chinese New Year

14th February

Valentine’s Day

17th February

Random Acts of Kindness Day

25th February

Shrove Tuesday

1st March

Saint David’s Day

8th March

International Women’s Day

17th March

Saint Patrick’s Day

20th March

Spring Equinox

22nd March

Mother’s Day (UK)

29th March

Daylight saving time

10th April

Siblings Day

23rd April

St George’s Day

13th June

Trooping the Colour

20th June

Summer Solstice

21st June

Father’s Day

30th July

International Friendship Day

22nd September

Autumnal Equinox

25th October

British Summertime Ends

31st October


5th November

Guy Fawkes Night

30th November

Saint Andrew’s Day

21st December

Winter Solstice

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