Children's Tax Exempt Savings Plan
Client agreement and declaration
To be completed by the proposed policyholder/s or in the event of the proposal being made on behalf of a child aged 1-11 (next birthday), to be completed by the proposer.
I declare that all the statements made in this proposal (and any notes) are to the best of my knowledge and belief, the truth, and that I have not knowingly withheld any material information. I agree that such statements and this declaration shall be the basis of the contract between me and the Sheffield Mutual Friendly Society and that any policy issued on the basis of this proposal shall be subject to the rules of the Society, from time to time in force, to which I will abide and conform.
I further declare (applicable only to proposals for a child aged 1-11 next birthday) that the policy hereby proposed is being taken up by me on behalf of and for the full benefit of the child and I will abide and conform to the rules of the Society from time to time in force.
I further understand that I may cancel the policy by giving notice in writing and returning the policy documents within 30 days of the policy issue date and that I will be entitled to the full refund of any investment made less, (at the discretion of the Board), any charge for management.
By signing this declaration you are agreeing to our Investment Bond terms and conditions, which are set out in the product brochure, product Key Information Document and policy conditions. For your own benefit and protection you should read these documents carefully before signing the proposal form. If you do not understand any point, please ask for further information before proceeding.